- Web3-marketplace Fragment, which sells the names of Telegram users, began its work. On the evening of October 26, the first auctions were opened on the blockchain platform.
- Names in the form of digital assets are sold using smart contracts.
- Names reserved by the Telegram team, such as @chat, @bank, @cryptotrader and others, are posted on the platform.
- Auctions last one week from the first bid.
- So far, the maximum bid is for the name @casino – 50 thousand TON ($95.5 thousand), followed by @bank with a bid of 35 thousand TON ($66.8 thousand) and @auto – 15 thousand TON ($28.6 thousand).
- The minimum bid depends on the length of the username. The initial cost of the user name of 4 letters is 10 thousand TON (about $19 thousand).
- The minimum price for names with more characters starts from 500 TON ($950).
- Pavel Durov announced plans to launch Web3-marketplace in late August. Other elements of Telegram’s ecosystem, including channels, stickers or emoticons, could also be part of that market later, the Telegram founder said.
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