Four years ago a new word appeared in the Oxford Dictionary: bitcoin. It was a tacit acknowledgement that cryptocurrency had become an integral part of life. Electronic coins have spread around the world, but attitudes toward them remain controversial to this day. Enthusiastic statements by experts about the prospects turn into extremely cautious answers from
We live in a world with many new requirements and realities. These include: multi-layer masks for respiratory protection, social distancing, air filtration, tests to identify virus carriers and contact tracing. These tactics against the invisible enemy, the virus, are reminiscent of the world of cybersecurity, where cyberattacks are also invisible. We may not know who
Here are six areas of innovation that are already having, or will soon have, an impact on managing and doing business in our increasingly digital world: – Cybersecurity – As organizations cope with the risks and vulnerabilities posed by the digital transformation, cybersecurity must continue to improve to keep pace with the ever-evolving and increasingly
– The benefits of immutability – One of the biggest advantages of blockchain technology in general, which contributes to its role in sectors ranging from financial services to healthcare, is its immutability. Any information stored in blockchain cannot be altered, making the technology ideal for keeping records of any products distributed through the supply chain.